How Long Does It Take To Get Fully Funded? (And More Listener Questions!) (S2:E3)

podcast Dec 03, 2020

In this episode, we discuss how long it takes to get fully funded and we are answering some of your questions too!  

In this episode you'll hear:

  • How you get people to believe in your ministry, enough to invest
  • Advice for maintaining a support base
  • Realistic timelines for becoming fully funded
  • Highlights from current Fully Funded students and how they got fully funded



Missionary Support Raising Roadmap(PDF)

Many missionaries are trained to ask for support (Step 6 - Organize Your Ask) and how to get on the mission field (Step 7 - Make Your Difference), but often miss the first 5 steps. In this roadmap key masterclass you’ll find out where you are in the support raising process and pick up any components you may be missing to ensure your long-term success.

Get your Missionary Support Raising Roadmap


If you’d like to develop a steady stream of recurring financial support with more stability and less stress so you can have a greater impact, then check out to enroll in the Academy!

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