How Missionaries Can Leverage the Power of Direct Messaging and Social Media to Raise Support with Natchi Lazarus (S2:E9)
Dec 24, 2020In this episode, Mike talks with Natchi Lazarus about how missionaries can use direct messaging and social media to raise more support.
In this episode you'll hear:
- How direct messaging works.
- Why you should consider moving to direct messaging, especially if you're in a closed nation.
- The future of social media.
Connect with Natchi:
Support Letter Templates
We've just updated a suite of support letter templates just in time to get ready for year-end campaigns. This smart little investment will save you from hours of frustration.
Get Your 8 Proven Support Letters
Missionary Support Raising Roadmap(PDF)
Many missionaries are trained to ask for support (Step 6 - Organize Your Ask) and how to get on the mission field (Step 7 - Make Your Difference), but often miss the first 5 steps. In this roadmap key masterclass you’ll find out where you are in the support raising process and pick up any components you may be missing to ensure your long-term success.
Get your Missionary Support Raising Roadmap
If you’d like to develop a steady stream of recurring financial support with more stability and less stress so you can have a greater impact, then check out to enroll in the Academy!
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